Zuschrift aus Malawi
Aus Malawi erhielt ich eine Nachricht, die zwar an mich adressiert ist, aber ich sehe mich da stellvertretend für alle Leser(innen), die damals mitgeholfen haben, dem Chandongo-Projekt die Anstoßfinanzierung gegeben zu haben. Deshalb greife ich das hier auf.
Nein, ich will keine Spende generieren, sondern ein "Update" zur damals geleisteten Hilfsaktion geben. Hier die Zuschrift aus Malawi im Originaltext:
"I feel good to thank you very much because you visited us few years ago and we know each other, and you did very well to push up our movement, by this moment many people are happy because of your big push, we are proud of you and we pray for over here, this time we need to have many fish ponds in our all groups, so we need to reach many areas our dear Michael Vaupel. So far this time it is very hot over here , it is only time when we plant our stuff need more water, but our farmers are doing very good job to plant many type of stuff, through project the poor familles can able to pay fees for kind to secondary school, healthlife and many things good living stand."